
Wallan Medical and Specialist Centre


Registered Nurse

Div 1 practice nurse works Mon, Tue, Thurs * Friday.

Graduated in 1996- New Zealand- Division 1 Nurse-

Has worked in Oncology and then moved into General practice.

Been working as a practice nurse for 20 years,

Moved to Melbourne with 3 kids(girls)- 2013.

Passionate about Chronic Disease Management, especially Diabetes, Asthma and Heart Disease.

Love to educate patients on their Chronic Disease management,

Enjoy having a laugh and a chat with patients and staff. I enjoy my work wherever I go.

With 5 days of work- I also make time for 6 days of Netball for my girls. 

Ashley Hill

Endorsed Enrolled Nurse

Graduated 2017 in Australia, I started out working in aged care as a care assistant while I was studying to become a nurse. Post-graduation I continued working in aged care as a nurse for one year the transitioned into general practice nursing.

I enjoy new challenges and providing the best possible care for my patients. I am great at patient education and answering any questions. If I don’t know the answer to your question I am very good at out-sourcing to find the answer. I believe you never stop learning new things.

I am currently studying my Div 1 to improve my knowledge and patient care.

I have two young kids at home and live local in Wallan.

I am an easy going, bubbly person. 

Wallan Medical and Specialist Centre

Davinder Kaur

Enrolled Nurse

Wallan Medical and Specialist Centre

Maria Spinello

Registered Nurse